Christianity · Medical

05/03/2018 – Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: Frustrations With Healthcare

Many patients who deal with chronic illnesses, or maybe even some patients with an acute illness, can probably tell you of at least one encounter in which a healthcare professional made them feel invalid. Today I will share one of mine. ||| If you work in healthcare, please know that I hold the highest respect… Continue reading 05/03/2018 – Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: Frustrations With Healthcare

Christianity · Medical

05/02/2018 : What Is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome?​

Most people look forward to May because it is the beautiful transition from Spring to Summer - at least here in the southern states. But, for me, I'm excited for May because it is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Awareness month! As you can see in the title, today's post is dedicated to explaining what exactly EDS is.